Bench Consulting Services

Bench Family
Alignment Workshops

Bench Family Alignment Workshops are two-day immersive workshops for families-in-business designed to identify critical issues and develop a decision-making framework to reduce friction and inspire family harmony and cohesion. Workshop objectives are customized to each group of participants, whether it’s mapping priorities for the family and the family business, creating a family participation plan, or identifying and solving for gaps in family and corporate governance.

Family / Organizational

For senior leaders looking for an experienced outsider’s point of view, we can provide a quick-turn perspective on succession planning strategies as well as opportunities to shore up risks that may prevent a seamless transition. While most succession planning projects span years, this is a way for leaders to quickly understand what needs to happen first, second, and third, as well as some of the challenges they may experience along the way without a long-term engagement. Our goal is to enable you with the information you need to make the right decisions.


For more complex situations, we design and deploy tailored solutions that consider the nuances of the organization and its owners (often families or partners). This transition work is comprehensive, starting with the owner’s and organization’s values and extends into board design/engagement, corporate governance, coaching, and estate planning strategies.

Leadership Development & Coaching

Our development and coaching work is focused on helping current leaders (often the principals, partners, or family members) enhance their leadership capabilities through one-on-one work focused on mindset, human dynamics, conflict resolution, and performance improvement.

Selection and Onboarding

Recruiters are great at finding candidates but selecting the right one and then successfully onboarding that candidate is significantly harder and requires an intimate knowledge of the dynamics and culture within an organization, especially if it is a closely held business. We support this critical investment with onboarding and assimilation programs, as well as ongoing coaching across the team. While recruiting is important, onboarding is where the real investment pays off (ask any PE firm).

Board Advisory and Governance

For growing organizations, we help evaluate current governance practices and work with owners and leaders to build high-functioning boards that provide the foundation for successful operations and multi-generational leadership.


Bench Family Forums are small, private groups designed for family members in family businesses. The Family Leadership Forum is aimed at current operational leaders looking for peer-based thought leadership around complex business challenges and organizational transitions. The Next Gen Family Forum is focused on next-generation family members discerning their path and focuses more on career direction, family dynamics, crucial conversations, angel- and VC-stage investing, as well as peer-to-peer collaboration. Bench Family Forums expose members to thought leaders from the fields of personal development, human dynamics, estate planning, and private investments.

Bench Consulting

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